Film Stuff
4:00am (2017)
"Douglas Courage is a coward..."
Written and Directed by Robert Trott
Produced by Robert Trott
How long is it? 1 Hour 16 Minutes
Who’s in it?
Tommy Balaam, Craig Haines, Sophia Jackson, Natalie Sheriff, Daniel Lillie, Cullum Austin, Tomasz Aleksander, Ricky Fox, Ellie Mitra, Lori MacFadyen, Fay Rachel Ganney, Adam Scales
So what’s the jist?
"4:00am" tells the story of Doug; a socially reclusive 25 year old who makes a promise to his best friend Juniper, to stay the whole night at his first party. A "Legendary" Cooper party no less. When she abandons him there the night begins to unravel into one that could change him forever.
What people say about it:
★★★★ - “Consistently funny…there’s something to feel for in every one of Trott’s characters.” -
“Robert Trott has scripted a great story” -
Where can you see it?

the insecurities of dill (2018)
“The Little Film With a Lot of Buzz…”
Written and Directed by Robert Trott
Produced by Adam Gregory Smith
How long is it? 6 minutes
Who’s in it?
Sophie Barker, James Naylor, James Askill
So what’s the jist?
"The Insecurities of Dill" is short film about hopes, doubts, and crumpets.
Dill is being used, and he knows it.
After a morning of "passion" Dill's suspicions that the woman he was made for is seeing someone else begin to bear fruit. He battles his insecurities the only way he knows how; by pondering politely.
Who said being the object of someone's desire would be easy?
What people say about it:
“She uses me. No three words could better sum up this film. Spot on.” -
“A surprise so cleverly hidden that it tickles your funny bone!” -
Where can you see it?
Right here! Well, down below. Just keep scrolling alright?
“Apply Within”
Created by: Robert Trott & George O’Connor
Written by: Robert Trott, George O’Connor
Directed by: Robert Trott, George O’Connor, Jennifer Borcea, Charles Joslain
Produced by Adam Gregory Smith
How long is it? 4 x 10 minute episodes
Who’s in it?
Emily Williams, Daniel Lillie
So what’s the jist?
“Dole” is a 12-part web series centred around the bonding of two job hunters; Cleopatra Rathbone, a is a rubbish rebel and semi-successful internet blogger, and Edgar Ernest, a bookish single father and widower. Twelve months, twelve episodes, and two lost souls.
What people say about it:
“The perfect example of how to tell a compelling story in a short space of time” -
Where can you see it?
Right here! Well, down below. Just keep scrolling alright?